Clackamas Community College

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

GIS-101  Principles of Geospatial Technology  
2 credits, Fall  

This course serves as an overview of the concepts and principles of geospatial technology using lab activities to explore maps, geospatial data, and geospatial software. Major themes include: maps and cartography, geodesy, geographic information systems, spatial data privacy, global navigation satellite systems, remote sensing/image interpretation, terrain analysis, web maps, and the geospatial industry.

GIS-201  Introduction to Geographic Information Systems  
3 credits, Summer/Fall  

This course explores fundamental geographic information systems (GIS) concepts utilizing hands-on application through various laboratory exercises with industry-standard ArcGIS software. The class explores basic map principles, cartographic design, geodesy, and geospatial data manipulation while exploring ArcGIS Online to create, display, query, relate, classify, and analyze spatial data to create maps and answer geographic questions.

GIS-202  Intermediate Geographic Information Systems  
3 credits, Winter  

This class follows the introductory course as a continuation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) principles using the ArcGIS Pro software platform. Topics explored include working with geodatabases, topology, vector and raster analysis, and creating and editing data. Students also practice key GIS project management processes, workflows, and best practices through an analysis project.

Prerequisites: GIS-201  
GIS-205  Cartography and Map Making  
3 credits, Winter  

Explores basic cartographic design principles and how to apply them to produce high quality maps using ArcGIS Pro software. Introduces cartographic terminology, principles, and map-making tools. Significant themes include visual representation and communication; how to turn geographic data into effective maps for print and the web; how to critique maps; map design and elements; and color, fonts, labels, and symbols for maps.

Prerequisites: GIS-201  
GIS-232  Data Collection & Application  
2 credits, Spring  

This course introduces data collection techniques and application of those techniques. This course explores different techniques to collect spatial and attribute data. The class focuses on GPS (Global Positioning System) data collection using a combination of recreational/mapping-grade GPS units and standard mobile devices (with embedded GPS) used in industry. The class will emphasize the capabilities and strengths of each type of data collection equipment.

Prerequisites: GIS-101  
GIS-236  Introduction to Programming for GIS  
3 credits, Winter  

An introduction to computer programming and Object Orientated Programming (OOP) with Python. Covers basic computer programming concepts including data types, loops, control structures, functions, classes, and program development. Use Python for problem solving by creating basic scripts for more advanced object-oriented programs.

Recommended Prerequisites: GIS-101  
GIS-238  GIS Web Mapping and Services  
2 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

This course presents the basic practices involved with GIS Web development. Gain an understanding of web GIS fundamentals. Introduces building GIS web maps, services, and applications. Focuses on developing and publishing on the web using the ESRI suite of web GIS technologies.

Recommended: Familiarity with GIS software and applications  
GIS-270  GIS Capstone  
3 credits, Spring  

The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Capstone course is the culmination of the Geographic Information Systems Technology (GIS) Certificate. Working with the instructor, students begin the course by researching and proposing a project. After developing a project plan and working through the analysis necessary, students will present their findings in an oral and written presentation. Additionally, scenario-based assignments will reinforce the project-based analysis process. Throughout the course, portfolio building strategies are explored with an emphasis on developing a professional portfolio demonstrating their work as preparation for entering the GIS profession.

GIS-280  GIS/CWE  
2-6 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

Cooperative Work Experience. Provides students with on-the-job work experience in the field of geographic information systems. This class is intended for students who are completing their Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Technology Certificate. Required: Student Petition.

Prerequisites: GIS-201
Corequisites: CWE-281
GIS-286  Remote Sensing  
3 credits, Spring  

This course is an introduction to the science of remote sensing. The course explores the techniques used to acquire, interpret, and process remotely sensed data. It provides a historical analysis of the technology, the interpretation of remotely sensed data, and the use of remote sensing data in GIS. Active and passive systems are explored as well as methodologies to transform and rectify remotely sensed raster data. Students explore applications of remote sensing using real-world examples and data.

Prerequisites: GIS-201