Clackamas Community College

Human Development/Career Planning (HD)

HD-102  Service Learning Experience  
1-6 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

Provides students with a service learning experience in a community setting. Students complete 30-180 hours of volunteer work and participate in ongoing journaling as well as reflection exercises to connect volunteer work with an area of study. May be repeated for up to 6 credits. Required: Student Petition.

HD-121  College Success  
3 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring  

Provides strategies for creating college success by understanding one's role in their learning and by gaining critical skills necessary to learn across contexts.

HD-138  Understanding and Managing Anxiety and Depression  
3 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring  

Identifies components of anxiety and depression, contexts in which anxiety and depression occur, and solutions for coping with anxiety and depression symptoms through the use of various anxiety and depression management techniques.

HD-140  Career Exploration  
3 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring  

Students use information about themselves (values, interests, personality and skills) and information about the world of work (careers and industries) to explore and make long term career decisions.

HD-144  Assertiveness  
1 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

Students can use this course to develop assertiveness in their communication and interpersonal relationships. The course focuses on identifying and meeting personal needs, setting boundaries, and asserting oneself in career, social, and personal settings.

HD-145  Stress Management  
1 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

Identifies specific personal stressors and focuses on developing skills that enable students to deal more effectively with stress.

HD-146  Values Clarification - The Talk You Walk  
1 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

Helps students examine beliefs, attitudes, and values behind decisions and actions. The students will examine whether behavior matches their stated beliefs, evaluate the consequences of choices, and focus on clarifying a personal value system.

HD-147  Decision Making  
1 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

Develop and improve the personal process for making healthy, satisfying choices. The basics of decision-making and processes for making personal, social, and work choices are included. Use this class for current decision needs.

HD-153  Managing Conflict in Your Life  
1 credits, Not Offered Every Year  

Introduction to managing conflict in a positive and efficient way. Students will examine personal beliefs about conflict and become familiar with techniques for effective problem solving.

HD-154  Building Self-Confidence  
1 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

This course is designed to address the elements forming and influencing self-confidence as well as practicing techniques on disarming your inner critic, dealing with fear, reflection of confidence on self-esteem, personal power, and building on personal accomplishments and assets.

HD-156  Creative Goal Setting  
1 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

Using a variety of media, learn how to use the creative process to define, plan, and achieve personal or professional goals.

HD-157  Procrastination & Time Management  
1 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

Provides students the opportunity to study their procrastination habits and time management patterns. Course focuses on components of time organization, choices regarding procrastination, and methods to improve overall use of time.

HD-161  Multicultural Awareness  
3 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

Introduction to the skills and personal attributes college graduates need to live and work in a diverse world, and how these characteristics influence interpersonal relationships in everyday life. This course focuses on the identification and application of strategies to improve personal multicultural awareness.

HD-202  Life Transitions  
3 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring  

Examines process and stages of life transitions. Helps re-entry adults identify personal strengths and barriers related to success in education and employment. Offers opportunities to practice interpersonal skills. Provides information about CCC campus and community resources which can assist students in reaching their goals.

Corequisites: HD-208  
HD-208  Career & Life Planning  
3 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring  

Helps re-entry adults identify interests, abilities, values, and transferable skills and apply this information to goal setting and career decisions. Students identify and explore options for training, education, and employment. Covers job search skills such as interviewing, resume writing, and developing a career portfolio. Each student develops an action plan identifying goals and next steps.

Corequisites: HD-202  
HD-209  Job Search Skills  
1-3 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

Use a Job Search Plan to conduct labor market research, develop job search networking relationships, and to prepare and present applications, cover letters, resumes, interviews, and thank you notes.

HD-220  Introduction to Student Leadership  
2 credits, Fall  

Introduces leadership concepts with application to the student environment. A discussion-oriented course on how leadership practices are put to use in campus leadership roles and beyond. Begins exploration of aspects of emotional intelligence, such as emotional self-perception, healthy self-esteem, and initiative. Required for some members of CCC's Associated Student Government. Highly recommended for Peer Assistants, New Student Mentors, and work-study students in Student Services departments. Also recommended for club leaders.

HD-221  Leadership and Building Communications Skills  
2 credits, Winter  

Develops leadership skills with an emphasis on navigating challenging conversations. Addresses finding common vision and goals, managing conflict, and collaboration within interpersonal communication. Promotes development of equitable spaces for inclusive conversations. Required for some members of CCC's Associated Student Government. Highly recommended for Peer Assistants, New Student Mentors, and work-study students in Student Services departments. Also recommended for club leaders.

HD-222  Leadership: Managing Change and Connecting to Community  
2 credits, Spring  

Strengthens leadership skills with an emphasis on managing change and connecting to community. Continues exploration of aspects of emotional intelligence, such as consciousness of others, displaying empathy, and developing relationships. Includes planning, implementation and assessment of activities focused on the college community and beyond. Required for some members of CCC's Associated Student Government. Highly recommended for Peer Assistants, New Student Mentors, and work-study students in Student Services departments. Also recommended for club leaders.

HD-280  Human Development/CWE  
2-6 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

Cooperative work experience. Provides students with career-related experience in the field of Human Development or Leadership. Required: Student Petition.

Corequisites: CWE-281