Clackamas Community College

Mathematics (MTH)

MTH-010  Fundamentals of Arithmetic I  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

This first course in arithmetic reviews operations on whole numbers, basic fractions, decimals, measurement, and basic geometry.

MTH-020  Fundamentals of Arithmetic II  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

This second course in arithmetic is a prerequisite for the three math pathways. It reviews mathematical foundations such as fractions, percents, geometry, and effective study skills.

Prerequisites: MTH-010 with a C or better, or placement in MTH-020  
MTH-020ES  Fundamentos de Aritmética II  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

Este segundo curso de aritmética es un requisito previo para las tres vías de matemáticas. Revisa fundamentos matemáticos como fracciones, porcentajes, geometría y habilidades de estudio efectivas.

Prerequisites: MTH-010 con una C o mejor, o ubicación en MTH-020  
MTH-050  Technical Mathematics I  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

Designed for career-technical students. Topics focus on critical thinking, problem solving, and mathematical communication using applications arithmetic, measurement, geometry, and statistics and probability.

Prerequisites: MTH-020 with a C or better, or placement in MTH-050 or higher  
MTH-050ES  Matemáticas Técnicas I  
4 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

Este curso está diseñado para estudiantes de carreras técnicas. Los temas se centran en el pensamiento crítico, la resolución de problemas y la comunicación matemática utilizando aplicaciones de aritmética, mediciones, geometría, estadística y probabilidades.

Prerequisites: MTH-020 con una C o mejor, o ubicación en MTH-050 o superior  
MTH-060  Algebra I  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

Designed for review or for the beginner, this course is an introduction to topics in Algebra. Expressions, equations, inequalities, graphing, and functions are explored.

Prerequisites: MTH-020 with a C or better, or placement in MTH-060  
MTH-065  Algebra II  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

The second term of topics in algebra using the rule-of-four approach: graphs, tables, words, and equations. This course emphasizes algebraic skills, as well as problem solving and graphical techniques with the use of a graphing utility.

Prerequisites: MTH-060 with a C or better, or placement in MTH-065  
MTH-080  Technical Mathematics II  
3 credits, Winter/Spring  

This course is the second in a sequence designed for career-technical students. The topics focus on critical thinking, problem solving, and mathematical communication using applications in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.

Prerequisites: MTH-050 with a C or better  
MTH-082A  Wastewater Math I  
1 credits, Fall  

Quantitative component to understanding wastewater operations. Simple unit conversions, fraction to decimal conversions and more complicated problem solving as applied to wastewater preliminary & primary treatment.

Corequisites: WET-110  
MTH-082B  Waterworks Math I  
1 credits, Fall  

Problem solving for waterworks applications. Introduction to basic algebra and mathematical concepts, conversions, and calculations encountered in the waterworks industry.

Corequisites: WET-111  
MTH-082C  Wastewater Math II  
1 credits, Winter  

Quantitative component to understanding analysis and operations of secondary wastewater systems. Flow rate, chemical dosage, treatment plant loading, treatment process efficiency, unit conversion and process control.

Prerequisites: MTH-082A and MTH-082B
Corequisites: WET-120
MTH-082D  Waterworks Math II  
1 credits, Winter  

Problem solving for waterworks applications. Introduction to contact-time (CT) calculations, how to determine chemical concentrations, the pounds formula, and basic hydraulics.

Prerequisites: MTH-082A and MTH-082B
Corequisites: WET-121
MTH-082E  Math for High Purity Water  
1 credits, Fall  

Basic math for high purity water concepts. Measurement accuracy, rounding rules & errors, significant figures, scientific notation, metric prefixes, simple statistics, average & standard deviation of a population.

Corequisites: WET-125  
MTH-095  Algebra III  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

The third term of topics in algebra using the rule-of-four approach is designed to prepare students for transfer-level math courses. This course emphasizes problem-solving and graphical techniques with the use of a graphing utility.

Prerequisites: MTH-065 with a C or better, or placement in MTH-095  
MTH-098  College Math Foundations  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

In our society, we see and hear about important topics and trends that involve numbers. In this class, participants work to understand and communicate what these numbers mean. Students will explore ways they interact with quantitative information in daily life, learn to effectively interpret and communicate quantitative information, and apply their own knowledge and experience to quantitative reasoning. Learning happens in small student groups, with technology, and through reflective writing. The class is project-based, meaning that students complete projects to demonstrate what they have learned.

Prerequisites: MTH-020 with a C or better, or placement in MTH-050, MTH-060, or MTH-098  
MTH-105Z  Math in Society  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

An exploration of present-day applications of mathematics focused on developing numeracy. Major topics include quantitative reasoning and problem-solving strategies, probability and statistics, and financial mathematics; these topics are to be weighted approximately equally. This course emphasizes mathematical literacy and communication, relevant everyday applications, and the appropriate use of current technology.

Prerequisites: MTH-095 or MTH-098 with a C or better, or placement in MTH-111Z
Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z
MTH-111Z  Precalculus I: Functions  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

A course primarily designed for students preparing for trigonometry or calculus. This course focuses on functions and their properties, including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, piecewise-defined, and inverse functions. These topics will be explored symbolically, numerically, and graphically in real-life applications and interpreted in context. This course emphasizes skill building, problem solving, modeling, reasoning, communication, connections with other disciplines, and the appropriate use of present-day technology.

Prerequisites: MTH-095 with a C or better, or placement in MTH-111Z
Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z
MTH-112Z  Precalculus II: Trigonometry  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

A course primarily designed for students preparing for calculus and related disciplines. This course explores trigonometric functions and their applications as well as the language and measurement of angles, triangles, circles, and vectors. These topics will be explored symbolically, numerically, and graphically in real-life applications and interpreted in context. This course emphasizes skill building, problem solving, modeling, reasoning, communication, connections with other disciplines, and the appropriate use of present-day technology.

Prerequisites: MTH-111Z with a C or better, or placement in MTH-112Z
Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z
MTH-211  Fundamentals of Elementary Math I  
4 credits, Fall  

A course designed to teach students to understand the basic concepts of mathematics and provide ideas for teaching these concepts to elementary school children. Focuses on math anxiety and mindset, problem-solving, numeration systems, arithmetic, and number theory.

Prerequisites: MTH-095 with a C or better, or placement in MTH-111Z
Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z
MTH-212  Fundamentals of Elementary Math II  
4 credits, Winter  

A course designed to teach students to understand the basic concepts of mathematics and provide ideas for teaching these concepts to elementary school children. Focuses on modeling and working with integers, fractions, decimals, ratios, percents, and the real numbers. Introduces elementary algebra and statistics. MTH-212 and MTH-213 can be taken in any order.

Prerequisites: MTH-211
Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z
MTH-213  Fundamentals of Elementary Math III  
4 credits, Spring  

A course designed to teach students to understand the basic concepts of mathematics and provide ideas for teaching these concepts to elementary school children. Focuses on geometry, measurement, geometric mapping, probability, and counting techniques. MTH-212 and MTH-213 can be taken in any order.

Prerequisites: MTH-211
Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z
MTH-231  Elements of Discrete Mathematics  
4 credits, Winter  

Students will be introduced to discrete structures and techniques for computing. The course, which is the first in the two-term sequence, aims to convey the skills in discrete mathematics that are used in the study and practice of computer science. Topics include: Sets; Graphs and Trees; Functions: properties, recursive definitions, solving recurrences; Relations: properties, equivalence, partial order; Proof techniques: inductive proof; Counting techniques and discrete probability.

Prerequisites: MTH-251  
MTH-244  Statistics II  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

The tools learned in Statistics I are purposed for inference of data via the use of hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for both one and two populations, linear regression, and chi-square tests.

Prerequisites: STAT-243Z with a C or better
Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z
MTH-251  Calculus I  
5 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

For science, engineering, and mathematics students, this is the first course in the four-term Calculus sequence. Focuses on the analysis of functions using limits and differential calculus. Emphasis on applying calculus concepts and techniques to model and solve appropriate real-world applications.

Prerequisites: MTH-112Z with a C or better, or placement in MTH-251
Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z
MTH-252  Calculus II  
5 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

For science, engineering, and mathematics students, this is the second course in the four-term Calculus sequence. Focuses on understanding integral calculus and using anti-differentiation techniques. Emphasis on applying the calculus to model and solve appropriate real-world applications.

Prerequisites: MTH-251 with a C or better
Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z
MTH-253  Calculus III  
5 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

Investigates indeterminate forms, improper integrals, convergence of sequences and series, power series, Taylor series and Taylor polynomials, error analysis of numerical estimates, complex numbers and the Euler formula, parametric equations, vectors, dot products, and the geometry of lines and planes in space.

Prerequisites: MTH-252 with a C or better
Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z
MTH-254  Vector Calculus  
5 credits, Summer/Fall/Spring  

This course is an introduction to the study of vectors and analytic geometry in three-space, the calculus of vector-valued functions, and the calculus of several variables.

Prerequisites: MTH-252 with a C or better  
MTH-256  Differential Equations  
4 credits, Summer/Winter  

This course is an introduction to the study of first-order differential equations, first-order systems of differential equations, linear systems of differential equations, and applications of these topics.

Prerequisites: MTH-252 with a C or better  
MTH-261  Linear Algebra  
4 credits, Summer/Fall/Spring  

This course is an introduction to linear analysis of n-space: systems of linear equations, vectors, matrices, matrix operations, linear transformations, linear independence, span, bases, subspaces, determinants, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, inner products, diagonalization, and applications of these topics.

Prerequisites: MTH-252 with a C or better
Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z
MTH-275  A Bridge to University Mathematics  
3 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

This is a bridge course designed to help students transition from computation-based mathematics to the more proof-based curriculum typical of junior and senior collegiate-level mathematics courses. Students will construct and validate proofs, explore the nature of mathematics, and navigate some of the systems and conventions used within the mathematics community. May be repeated for up to 6 credits.

Prerequisites: MTH-251