Clackamas Community College

Communication Studies (COMM)

COMM-100ESZ  Introducción a la Comunicación  
4 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

COMM-100ESZ es un curso de encuesta que ofrece una visión general de la disciplina de la comunicación que enfatiza el desarrollo de las mejores prácticas de comunicación en diferentes contextos.

COMM-100Z  Introduction to Communication  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

COMM-100Z is a survey course offering an overview of the communication discipline that emphasizes the development of best communication practices in different contexts.

COMM-111ESZ  Hablando en publico  
4 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

COMM-111ESZ enfatiza el desarrollo de habilidades de comunicación al examinar y demostrar cómo la autoconciencia, la audiencia, el contenido y la ocasión influyen en la creación y entrega de discursos y presentaciones.

Prerequisites: WR-124ES  
COMM-111Z  Public Speaking  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

COMM-111Z emphasizes developing communication skills by examining and demonstrating how self-awareness, audience, content, and occasion influence the creation and delivery of speeches and presentations.

Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z
Recommended Prerequisite or Corequisite: FYE-101
COMM-112  Persuasive Speaking  
4 credits, Not Offered Every Year  

Study and practice of persuasive speaking, audience analysis, reasoning, and the basic theories of persuasion.

Prerequisites: COMM-111Z or Student Petition  
COMM-126  Intro to Communication, Gender, and Sexuality  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring  

This course explores the relationships among communication, gender, sexuality, and other intersections of identity. We will examine how contact produces and perpetuates constructions and performances of gender, as well as how understandings of gender influence communication practices. We will learn about various approaches to the study of gender and communication, and we will identify predominant patterns of gendering that shape our culture.

Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z  
COMM-140  Introduction to Intercultural Communication  
4 credits, Not Offered Every Term  

Intercultural Communication is a course dedicated to exploring the impact cultural differences have on the communication process. Students explore their own cultural behaviors and possible ways to deal with difficult situations when cultural differences cause a problem(s). Emphasis is given to the influence of culture on the interpretation of the communication act and to the communication skills that enhance cross-cultural communication.

Required: Non-native English speakers must have a Student Performance Level of 8 as measured by the BEST Plus.
There is not a requirement for native speakers
Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z
COMM-212  Mass Media & Society  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring  

This course takes students through a critical study of the production and consumption of mass media, including television, radio, books, film, news, advertising and the internet. Students also examine the economic and social organization of mass media, the growth of new media technologies, and the relationship between media and the public.

Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z  
COMM-218Z  Interpersonal Communication  
4 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

COMM-218Z increases the knowledge and use of competent communication skills to better understand oneself, others, and the role of communication in interpersonal relationships.

Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z  
COMM-219  Small Group Discussion  
4 credits, Not Offered Every Year  

Theories and practices of small group communication through group discussions, readings and written exercises. Emphasis on effective group communication, leadership skills, and problem-solving in small groups.

Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z  
COMM-227  Nonverbal Communication  
4 credits, Winter  

Explores how humans encode and decode nonverbal behavior in the communication process, based on existing research. Examines the influence, interpretation, and/or management of various nonverbal signals, such as appearance, facial expression, body movement, etc. Considers how setting, social roles, gender, and inter/intra-cultural beliefs and values have an effect on interactions among individuals and groups.

Recommended Prerequisites: WRD-098 or placement in WR-121Z  
COMM-280  Speech/CWE  
2-6 credits, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer  

Cooperative work experience. Provides students with on-the-job experience in the field of communications. Required: Student Petition.

Corequisites: CWE-281